Friday, February 8, 2013

Activity 1 - Intermediate 6 (I06) 3:15 pm class: Ads, Ads, Ads everywhere...

Ads and more ads...

It's amazing the power of the ads on the streets, it seems that wherever you go, you find different kind of ads.

They are out there for many reasons and the media has developed an interesting way of showing them everywhere we go. They are meant for selling, promoting, advertising, and more.

I remember the time I went to the south beaches and I just couldn't believe the number of ads on the road, they kept distracting all the people who were in the car, it was even dangerous.

Go to the following page, read and check all the ads thar are shown there.


Choose your 3 favorite ads and write your opinion about them, what do you think the ad is about, what do they want to reflect and what do you think about them.


  1. The first ad that I chose was "WHITE, BLACK, YELLOW". Well I think is about the people is racist and do not respect people with other color.Nowdays, parents do not educate their kids and the kids reflect the attitude and the bad behavior of teir parents.
    The ad reflect we are allequal, nobody is diferent with another person also all of us have the same heart, feelings and likes.No one has the righ tto offend anyone as I said we are equal and we and we want the same oportunity as others.
    I think that ad is good because show us nobody is better that no one and that's ad teach us we must be polite. Also, I think the parents must educate well their children. And this country must be as brazil for example is against the law call "nigga" who has this color.

    The secondad ad that I chose was "DUREX CONDOM" .I think the ad is about have sex without responsability. Obviusly , this product offer "segurity,satisfactionand do not be afraid to have sex.
    The ad reflect you can byu and the price is affordable , you can find it in all the drugstores. The product wants to offer have sex and not problems because it suppose the condom is safe.
    I think condo is not safe because What would you happen if the condom breaks? or What would you happend if the condom comes out? those are my questions. Also, the product does not prevent the Sexually transmitted infection.
    If you want to have sex yoy must know the person, other is men and women must be protect, the responsability are both and not one.

    The third ad that I chose had not tittle but it is about tje abuse of women. Millions of women die when hit . Other violence is verbal abuse, the men said bad words and also insult comes with hits.
    The ad reflects a machismo attitude and a negative attitude.
    The ad show us a harmless women and a violent men. In a way the women wants help but nobodys canhelp her . Also, reflect men's autority and a quiet and shy women.
    I think women musn't hit because if the men hits her one time , he hits her whatever he wants. Many times women does not said nothing for afraid but it worst. She must to report inmediatly because tha's affect the children and they grow up with scare and shy. Nowdays, there are campaigns against the abuse of women but in my opinion must have more campaigns for help more womens of death.

    1. Thanks for sharing and very good job. I agree with you with the last add, women have to speak up and protect themselves from abusive men.

      Very good job Tiffany.


  2. In the first ad image is titled SISLEY in my opinion this picture we can see how the girls have this obsession about shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories and more. But not only demonstrates that obsession but also used the image of inhaled drug in this case are part of an image but as an addict or addicted to buying accessories. The ad I find use as super creative ways to express something addiction in this case one can see the over-consumption of clothing. I think this is very good as it has a great message to give us.

    In the second ad where it says WHITE BLACK AND YELLOW is clear that we want the image to convey the words of no discrimination, since all people are equal so we are of different social classes or maybe different economic classes. I think that not all people are not against of discrimination because today we can see that people with certain physical disabilities or different skin color and other characteristics detrimental to these people who are just looking to bring food to your home. I can say that everyone is equal African Chinese Japanese Peruvians among others all have the same rights and should be respected but not discriminated.

    In the third picture has no title but is very clear what we want to convey the main point is violence against women. This issue is a very important issue because every day we see how women are battered by men either physical or psychological. I think that women should not have to be there so battered help centers instead prevents this type of abuse, mistreatment occasioned by these men are wild as they can lead to death. The picture is very good and is particularly violence against women.

    1. We all are the same and we all have the same rights. Thanks for posting.

      Good job Carla.


  3. I chose three ads; these are the numbers 24, 74and 99. White, black and yellow is about the racism that exists, very often, in many people. When you look this picture, at first glance you realize that discusses this issue. This bad behavior is present in many people and causes some problems in our society. As a result of racism are organizations and the government that are dedicated to creating solutions to reduce this habit.
    The ad tells us that although people are physically different, all have the same inside, and takes as an example the heart of three different people. This is a good example to learn to see ourselves as same and be against racism because skin color doesn’t make us better than others. Everyone is like everyone.

    The second ad that I chose is the 74: You can do more than celebrate, in this ad we can read “60 years of the universal declaration of human rights”; this is a great sign to know what this picture means, while some people celebrate this event, there are children who still demand no more violence, no more war. I think it's been sixty years but just in the world continue to see signs of violence, not only with children but also with all people. We should be part of the change.

    The last ad is the number 99; it doesn’t have title but is about a little girl. Many times we see children who appear to be adults by the way they dress. This depends of the parents and is given by many reasons, one of which may be the money or the need to want their children to be better than others, these are two causes that lead to children not living their childhood and grow up very fast, losing the beauty of children and childhood.
    I believe that parents should be aware of how they educate their children and try to do it the best way because in the future children can suffer the consequences of what their parents do with them.

    1. I agree! children are the future of our society. Very good job Cindy.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I apologize, I posted the wrong links

      This ad that I chose, reflects the impact in childrens by their surroundigs and circustances that they afront. The childrens can be very affected for familiar violence, sex abuse, bullying and many other factors. Nobody has the right to threatening somebody no matter if is a child or adult. Like I said I chose this ad because is very important to be aware of this and serves as a warning to the people who is a victim or somebody who knows some cases can report it to the relevant entities as soon as possible.

      This ad is very important for the teenagers who are starting their sexual phase and think that they know everything about sex. The sexual orientation is important for everybody and must be taught gradually since childhood because being informed will help you in many ways like preventing an unwanted pregnacy, STD (sexually transmitted disease) and others.
      In my case I'm an open minded person and for me, sexual taboos does not exist as longer is consensual sex and both are protected and conscious of everything and the most important thing, YOU MUST KNOW THE PERSON, because a condom or contraceptive is not enough and there still a risk of getting a STD or getting pregnat but in the second case you can use the pill but my advice is that you must be responsable and afront the situation in the better way possible.

      Most of the males perceive the women as sex objects, now you'll always find a sexy and beautiful woman in almost every ad about clothes, perfumes, beer and others. I understand that the only reason maybe is for marketing, however this have become a trend and is something that hardly could be changed so each woman must be respected and treated as a normal human, this must start and depends on each one.

      In effect each woman must make this question to themselves How I wanna be seen?

    2. Women shouldn't be consider just as sex symbols, they are so much more than that.

      Good job Alonso.


  5. The first shocking ad that I chose was "RED TAPE MENSWEAR FASHION BRAND”: Well In my opinion this ad want to show to the people that for the most of the men prefer women with a good figure, but this ad also can show us other thing, for example that the women are addicted to buying clothes or they want to draw attention to men in order to get a date. One more important thing is that the most of the teenagers, especially girls are looking for a model to follow, for example to be a "perfect woman”. I think this ad is good to give a moral to the parents because almost they always are giving everything to their children that they really want, like a whim but really they are damaging them.
    The second ad that I chose was "CADBURY'S". I like this ad because it look like funny and interesting but it have many special messages for everybody .For example one thing is that some teenager girls are worried about their physical aspect like clothing, make-up, and so on, they want to look like beautiful Barbie. But also some of want to draw attention to men, for example when a girl gets to capture the attention of a guy and get a date, and she is in a relationship most of the girls are looking how is the man, for example if he has money or not, maybe if he have a car or not, she always are looking the material aspect and not how is the person like their feelings. These kinds of girls always look for men who leave dominant for her.
    The last ad that I chose is "ABSOLUT BEAUTY, ABSOLUT VODKA". This ad is funnier than others ads because it shows a beautiful girl, an ugly girl and a bottle of vodka, We all know drinking a lot of alcohol like vodka is bad for health but giving up is hard to it.But this ad can show us how the vodka can change our state like the balance or vision as the example of the image. For example a man has drunk a lot and he see a beautiful girl like a bombshell girl but in his real life she is an ugly girl. So drinking alcohol has consequences like illness, and it can affect to your family.

    1. Some companies will do pretty much everything for selling their products but sometimes they just go too far.

      Good job Celia.


  6. Anggi Fiorella Terán ÁvilaFebruary 12, 2013 at 11:37 AM

    I chose the number 65 image because I found this very interesting. They are two girls hugging, of different skin color, these ads only gives us to understand that racism is no longer in our society. Today, thanks to these ads, the messages broadcast on TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc., people are teaching their children at an early age not to be racist and get along with all kinds of people. Of course there are still people who do not realize the damage they do to discriminate against a group of people who do not have their color.
    The second image I chose was the number 15, this image shows a girl who has a closed mouth with a hoop. Mostly, when they abuse children and teenagers always silent out of fear or shame, do not realize that to silence the situation becomes more serious because they can continue to abuse, and in the worst case can abuse other children and adolescents. If a child or adolescent reports what happened, parents are required to put up the matter to expose and prevent this keep happening.
    The third image I chose is the number 40, it appears two men shouting with a muzzle on the mouth. At present it is very difficult to disclose our sexuality. There are many gay couples who can not live alone, due to criticism and ridicule that exists in the world.

    1. Our society is really racist and discriminating but it has improved over the past few years. Thanks for sharing Anggi


  7. The first ad that I chose was “”WHEN YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT ABUSE, TALK TO US”. When I saw this ad I was really surprised because it’s talking about teenagers who can’t talk about their problems that they have in the school or in their homes. One reason I can mention is that in all schools there are always bad guys they like to make others suffer and maybe that could be you. For example if you have problems with the guys of your school but someone is scaring you and you can’t talk with nobody you are going to be very sad and worried about everything and you are not going to live well. My advice for those people who have problems in the school or with their parents is that you always have to speak up, because your opinion is very important, someone is going to listen to you and maybe is going to help, but if you don’t talk, you will continue to suffer and you are going to take a decision without thinking and that decision may be that kill yourself. So if you have a problem... TALK!

    The second ad that I chose was “WHITE, BLACK and YELLOW”. In my opinion, this is the best ad because many people think that the white people are better than black people but obviously that is no true. There are a lot of black people who made incredible things for example USA has a black president and he is governing so well and a lot of people love him. One more reason is that when you die no one remembers how you were or what color were you skin, the people just remember the things that you made and if you were a good person.And also another important reason is this, inside are all the same, we have the same heart, lungs, so on. So we have to appreciate us and love just the way that we are; and if someone makes jokes about you or your skin, the only thing that you can do is IGNORE and remember that you are SPECIAL just the way you are like the song of Bruno Mars. :D

    The last ad that I chose was the number 39. I really like this ad because show us how the words can hurt us as the same way that the strokes. In that ad shows a man yelling her wife but she is getting knock and that is true because when someone yell you or say something that is no nice, you feel as if someone had beaten because words can hurt even more than the beatings.
    That is one reason that you have to be very careful at the moment that you say something, first think and then talk because you can make that someone else feels sad or upset and then you are going to have problems or maybe you'll be sorry and the other person is not going to forgive you.

    1. Domestic violence is very common in our country but thanks to the media it has decreased a lot. Thanks for sharing Ximena, good job.


  8. The first ad I chose is white, black, yellow.
    Well I think it's about the discrimination that exists in the world.
    It may be for religion, color, language, quality of life and other characteristics. These days people do not have respect and discriminate against people with different characteristics. To avoid this, parents should educate their children with values and teach them that all people are equal.

    The second ad I chose is about Family Violence. In these days exist several cases about this, for example:when the husband beats wife out of jealousy. This is because maybe in her childhood had too many problems or were mistreated. Well the best solution to this is communication, love and trust.

    The third ad I chose is on Child Violence.
    Well, today children are abused by their own parents, often frustrated to come home and beat them for no reason.
    Children are afraid of their parents and hide all the pain rather than report them for abuse. Well the child has to undergo treatment with the psychologist to forget the abuse. Children are the most important people in the world and we must take care, love and protect.

    1. Nowadays children are behaving completely different from the past, they tend to learn easily and parents should pay more attention to that.

      Very good Karyme


  9. I think that the first ad is about addicts, In these times there are exists a lot of addicts to cigarettes
    Is very difficult stop consuming when you are addict, it's like you fished, it's like something in which you can not escape, it starts from very young.
    one of the main problems that cause addiction is bad education of parents, I think that everything starts in the family, the father probably also smoke and that children learn.

    I think the second ad is about maleness that exists today in every household, the woman always since antiquity is somewhere less than men, and from there comes the thought of most men, but in these times that is changing, now the woman is in the same terms as men, to reach higher ranks in a company, before the woman was a simple housewife who was feeding the kids or cooking and doing other household chores , the worker and the man who brings the money home. Today's situation is at the same levels now women are equal to men in the workplace.

    I think the third post is about the invalid who suffered a car accident by drinking alcohol, many people when they go to a party with friends have the grave mistake of taking too much, then when driving the car should handle the person healthy but not so drunk that it is handled and then accidents occur, then wake up in a hospital bed and you say you've lost a miss, or maybe you can not walk, good overall, you may pass any type of accident until death. Remember, if you drink, do not drive

    1. Addiction is a very common and dangerous problem, one that leads people to make horrible mistakes and have accidents.

      Very good Danny.


  10. Ad number 33 (What are you going to do yourself)

    The left of the ad shows a guy hitting someone after a party night; in the right it shows the result of this action. In general this ad tries to show us that we will have bad consequences if we don’t control our drinking of alcohol, specifically beer, while we are in party or a bar. For example in this case, get you arrested. This ad focus one specific consequence of drinking beer without control : violence , because when people drinks a lot of it, then they lose the control of their actions , so they can do things that they don’t want to do , but they do anyway. For me this ad its interesting because at first you get in shock by the images on it, so then this ad makes us think about the bad consequences that we could avoid easily because it’s ALL ABOUT YOU.

    Ad number 49 (Just call us)

    It ad is shows us an inevitable accident, it is a guy in a car that maybe will stop immediately because he going to have an accident if he continues driving but he don’t notice that a “pretty girl” are driven her modern and luxury car behind him so if he stops she going to crash the little truck. With this, the ad tries to communicate us that there are dangerous situations on the route that are impossible to avoid so we must have to be prepared getting an insurance to face this kind of situations. For me it’s a funny ad because it shows that one of the dangerous situations are induced by the women but it’s difficult to notice because at first I thought that the girl represents the insurance company but it isn’t.

    Ad number 87 (Domestic violence don’t ignore it)

    This ad shows us a couple they are fighting , a man are hitting his wife , on a marriage and nobody notices that or maybe they all ignore them. The message this ad try to communicate is that we ignore the domestic violence induced by the man against the woman, when it’s in front our eyes and we don’t want to accept or see it, so we don’t do anything for help the other people. In this case, “Refuge” is the company that tries to said us that we should communicate to them if we know someone with this kind of problems and they could help her. It ad is interesting to me because it shows a reality that occurs on our society all the time , suddenly we are blind to avoid see and do something about this problems of our friends or family, and we are wrong because we could help them in many ways , for example, this ad show us one way.

    1. People should ignore violence and women should speak up for themselves. It is an issue we still need to work on. Thanks for posting Alvaro, good job.


  11. The first ad that I chose it's not mention but it's about the domestic violence that a naked woman is wearing a security band that says crime scene do not enter well it refers us the way that a woman fell about it you can solve your problems like talking
    The second ad that I chose it's "FUMER,C'EST ÉTRE L'ESCLAVE DU TABAC." This ad refers us that if you smoke the cigarette it will enslave you. you may fell like the cigarette is the only way to solve your problems.
    The last ad that i chose is "THERE ARE NO SILVER SPOONS FOR CHILDREN BORN INTO POVERTY" it mention us the cruel life that the poverty lives every day and the poverty children that they have to eat want they can and not what they need this is so sad but true. In conclusion the ads is a good way to show our sociaty the problems that happends to us or maybe a good way of advertisement because its showy.
    good wishes
    Eduardo =)

    1. It's really sad the reality of many children in many different countries specially in Peru. Thanks for posting Eduardo.


  12. The first ad that I chose was white ,black and yellow.The discrimination is something that we see everyday and now is diffcult to solve the problem ,this ad encourage people to think about the treatment that we have with people of different race.why we can´t have the same treats? we have the same rights!.this is a very good ad because we promote awareness ,we must stop this .Marthin Luther K. fight for the black people because many years ago they were slaves the life wasn´t fair but why we keep thinking like that? why we discriminate? I think people don´t tolerate eachother by the ignorance.I really think that we are all kids of god and for He we are equal. We have to love eachother like the way we are beacuse we have the same heart,everybody have feelings and emotions ,we don´t have any rights to destroy people´s life.

    the second ad that I chose was DADDY HITS ME!what happen in the world? Why exist child abuse? do people truly love their children? I don´t think so.there are many factors for this answers. Drugs , alcohol, mental problems also in the majority of cases peple don´t plan to have kids they just have babies because the irresponsability.People like that don´t deserve to be parents and also the have to be in jail!Children are a blessing from God.the worst of all is WE DON'T LISTEN!Sometines they are scare to tell what happen to them but we don´t hear them and unfortunately we are accomplices so not only the parents are guilty we also are guilty.I think the relatives have to pay more attention to the kids and we must protect them and love them we all our heart. THE KIDS ARE THE FUTURE!PROTECT THEM!!!!

    The third ad that i chose was the girls taking drugs.This ad talk about the addiction that we have not only with drogs ,also with alcohol and with other harmful substances.the obssesion with our appearance , the girls are more affected by this problem.Nowadays the society is very demanding.THIS IS A SOCIAL ISSUE AND IT´S TERRIBLE.the say that you have to look perfect eventhough they aren´t , people tell you things and you believe them like a fool.Do you depend on them? NO!YOU HAVE TO LOVE YOURSELF ! this ad try to tell us that we don´t care at all our health.We damage ourselves our bodies,our health and our mind.this is a compaign to raise awareness this is especially for young people.DON´T BE influenced by others ,DON´T CONSUME harmful substances the appearance is not everything the real beauty is inside of you .

    we must pay attention to the ads ,understand them and do something about it.


    1. I agree, we have to do something about it. Take action and we will contribute with our sad reality, Thanks for posting Meryam.


  13. Marianne Alexandra Samamé LucasFebruary 13, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    The first add that I chose was the add number 39. These add reflects the verbal violence against women that becomes a really problematic contemporary issue.
    They want to reflect the countries that have lower economic development tends to have more verbal attacks against women, and the trend is positive.
    I think this can be a problem that affects a lot of woman in the world and in some cases they receive help from the government or institutions.

    The second add that I chose is the add number 75. This add is about how the unsafe surroundings become a threat for little children if their families does not take care well of them. It is advisable that parents take more attention to what their children and kinds do, especially if they are very young.
    This add want to reflect the insecurity world where we life, the innocence of the kids and the fact that the parents don´t pay attention to their children.

    The third add that I choose was the add number 80, because it shows the high level of insecurity in the streets.
    One of the purposes of the publisher was to create awareness about the consequences of unsafe driving. Another purpose is the insecurity between the drivers and pedestrians because the drivers don´t pay attention to the red light and can hit a pedestrian.
    I think that this kind of publicity is excellent in the way that through this we can be more careful in the streets.

    1. It's great when publicity helps people think about our social issues, thanks Marianne, good job.


  14. Good night teacher
    I choose the following photo (, because the image is perfect. It´s very explicit, the photo show us the typical situation that happen in all the world. One should take care with their words and most important when you say it to someone. because the words that you said when you were angry, it´s possible that the affect persons can forgive you, but the hurt is done.

    the second image I chose is (, this image seem me very creative and funny because I suppose that the blue pill, commonly call "VIAGRA" would provide you many hours of pleasure with their love. the viagra is only for use the old person what can´t have a erection, but you shouldn´t exaggerate because one of the disadvantages of the VIAGRA is: you can get heart attack and It´s possible that you die.

    The last image is this (, I chose this ad because it seems me interesting. A lot of teenager believe that they know all about the sex, that one only use the condon and they are protected of the pregnant and the sexually transmitted diseases, but not. The condon isn´t totally insurance. I know that when one is teenager they feel the change of their hormones, they want to experiment something new (this is real experience for me jaja), but my advice is that first you can take information respect the topic, with this you will know how you can protect. and talk with your love about of this theme, it´s important for a good sexual life.

    1. I see you really like the ads, thanks for posting and commenting Jhordin.



    Well first I think this picture represents violence against women physical or psychological I think more than anything that this wants to understand men's enough of that abuse against women and change the world.

    this talk about racism good because in many countries it still exists but it should not be because we are all equal regardless of race, color, religion, etc. I think that if we all do a little awareness paresto I I think that between 20 to 30 years the world will change and there will be the problem of racism is very common now to hear such is common to see a person say to another cholo. cholo word russia is bad word I think that's a good sign of racism.

    this speaks much of what society thought before eg if a girl was playing with a ball man if a guy playing with a doll and this woman was greatly influenced machismo before women could not work or study only men could do much inequality also had sports are not for everyone. women play volleyball and men only play football esrta that what happened before but now this has changed now women can work and study sports are for everyone and even women can be president.

    1. Now women and men have the same rights but it wasn't always like that but there has been a great process. Thanks Patrick.


  16. The first ad that I chose was "WHITE, BLACK, YELLOW" in my opinion all people must have the same oportunity to work in a place to try to achieve their goals in the life . Some people think that if their have a color of skin they are better than others but that's a big lie , The color of your skin isn't significant the most important is what's inside feeling , ideas , and more .

    The second ad that I chose was Post-It , is incredible how the people can have sex with person who don't love or worse who do not know her/his name in my opinion have sex relations must be with a person who you love , a person that want to be with you , a person who always shows his feelings , so for me sex might not be with any person .

    In the third picture has no title but is very clear the picture , is about a smoker who died because he was an addict to the cigar and his son who died too but the diference is that the son died just to smell the cigarette smoke that his father smoke everyday in his house , i think the adults should take awareness about
    smoke in his house because isn't harmful just for him ,is harmful for his son too.

    1. We should be careful what we do with our body and soul and smoking is something we should avoid at all costs. Good job Yohana.


  17. Rossana Escudero CasanovaFebruary 15, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    “The ultimate attraction”

    This ad is about cars, maybe is a new company how sell new models of cars.
    They are looking for take people´s attention comparing a woman with a car. This is an ad that try to shows us that the attraction and the wish between a men and a woman is very strong and they want to mix that feelings to achieve men look the new cars in the same way; creating the necessity to buy them.
    For me this isn´t the best way to promote a car because they are comparing a woman with that but maybe is a good idea to sell them because a lot of people can relate both things and for the feeling that this ad makes in them they decide to buy it.

    “What does it take to get people talking about domestic abuse?”

    This ad is about domestic abuse. This ad shows us the reality of our world eventhough it is very strong and shows a woman with a lot of injuries I think that is important because in this time we need to see this kind of ads to try to make something to avoid the abuse in woman, men, children or families.
    It is important to teach children that they have to know their duties and if they see or suffer an abuse they have to ask for help. The ad, eventhough shows only a woman I think that it try to tell us the abuse in general.
    When people suffer abuse in their houses is important to know who can help them and I think that we have to promote people to talk and maybe create places for help.

    “What are you doing to yourself?”

    This ad shows us the impact that the alcohol and violence can make in people who drink a lot.
    It is important for people who don’t think about the consequences, for example people must not drink a lot because they can´t be responsible about their acts, maybe they begin a fight or drive when they are drunk and these thing can end in a big accident.
    They can be arrested because they are fighting or making damage to people or properties on the street and it can make problems to them in the future. I think that it is a society issue and families have to teach values to prevent these actions.
    The ad is very complete for me, this is a good and interesting ad to think about the way that we choose to enjoy.

    1. Violence, alcohol, drugs, eating disorders are some of the most common problems in our society. I believe we can help our community by starting with our families. Thanks for posting Rossana.


    This ad shows that people are known to have heart, and not by the color of the skin. Today many people of color are discriminated against, for example to get a job are often rejected, or even at school his friends turn away from these people. To avoid this big problem we must learn to value people for who they are, and not by the physical form. We must also teach people from being children to grow up with good values.

    This ad tells us that people are not like cars because if a person loses a body part, then this part of the body is changed by another, not exactly match the original. The person can’t do the same as before, or feel the same as before. But if a car suffers an accident, then it is repaired, the car can work just as before. This is because the truck is artificially changed, however the loss of a person's natural and unique. But the problem starts because nowadays there are many people who drive a car after drinking liquor. My advice is that if you do not use your car to take, but call someone for you to take home.

    This ad shows that two girls hugging each other, although they are of different color. This is a sign that racism no longer exists. Probably because his parents taught him. This picture tells us to love people for who they are, and not by the color of skin. If everyone in the world saw this and were aware, racism no longer exist. Today many people are discriminated against because of their color.

    1. We are all the same, and we all deserve the same rights and opportunities. Thanks Andres.


  19. Joseph Jeremy Minaya PaucarFebruary 24, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    ad 10: BaF's anti-domestic violence ad.
    This ad tell as about the situation with the violence againts the women, i think that picture means that the violence in the women cases it's now usual, that see every day and it have to stop now.
    ad 18: Cadbury's.
    I think that this ad wants to tell us about the situation from some corporations that sometimes the bosses's decision are controlled by the secretary or a pretty woman that with her beauty can seduce the boss for her own porpuses, i think.
    ad 38 Anti-abortion advert
    im sure that this ad mean Jesus Christ was a baby too and he died to save us all, when somebody abort a baby may it's aborting a importante person, a new savior, a very intelligente scientific, so we dont have to abort, no more for this world...

    1. The worst thing that could happen to a woman is domestic violence, we have to speak up and protect our friends and family members. Thanks Joseph.

