Friday, February 8, 2013

Activity 1 - Intermediate 6 (I06) 8:45 am class: The power of shocking ads

Shocking ads...

The media has shown different kind of shocking ads over the past years, their goal is to promote, prevent and sell.

Some of them are funny, others are strange, others are silly and some of them are really shocking but most of them reflect the reality of our modern society.

Go to the following webpage and take a look at the many ads that you will find there.


Choose your 3 favorite ads and write your opinion about each one of them, what do you think the ad is about, what do they want to reflect and what do you think about it.


  1. Ricardo Daniel Melgarejo CámaraFebruary 8, 2013 at 2:40 PM

    From: Ricardo Melgarejo Cámara (Intermediate 6, Icpna, San Miguel)

    Hi teacher, I’ve chosen some ads that seem very curious.

    Firstly, I chose this one: because I like to use this deodorant once in a while.
    Well, I suppose this ad is very striking because, generally speaking, it’s not typical to see a nun in an ad, and it’s very obvious that a deodorant like an AXE attracts men because we all know how AXE advertises their products. And I deduce that the implicit message could be: ANY WOMAN WHO SMELL AXE CAN FEELS ATTRACTED BY ANY MAN. It’s very funny, I don’t think that it has an amoral content.

    Then, I chose this ad: because I think McDonalds uses this ad with a specific purpose. First of all, we know that when we think in fast food, we think in fat, fat and a lot of fat, but with this ad McDonalds wants to make a difference with other fast food centers, that is, McDonalds wants to show that their products are very healthy and nutritive. I think it’s a good way to obtain more and more consumers.

    Finally, I chose because I think it’s a very informative ad and it can teach us a lesson about violence against women. Well, in this society there is a lot violence against women, specifically in the house, but the problem is when they don’t want tell or denunciate that they suffer from violence. I suppose for this reason women pretend to be well when they aren’t. I like this ad because we are required to condemn all kind of violence against women.
    Take care teacher, see you soon.

    1. Very good job Ricardo and yes you are right about some women pretending everything is OK when it's not.


  2. Ricardo Daniel Melgarejo CámaraFebruary 8, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    Ricardo Daniel Melgarejo Cámara (Intermediate 6, Icpna, San Miguel)
    Hi teacher again.

    I'm sorry but my comment that you have read have two mistakes (lapsus dedus, je):

    It tells:


    It should tell:


    I'm so sorry, my mistake.

  3. Patricia Reisman CondeFebruary 10, 2013 at 8:20 PM

    Hi teacher, I’m Patricia Reisman Conde. The first ad that i chose was this one This ad is about a brand of beer called St. Pauli girl, that is produced in Germany, in this ad we can see the shape of a woman that is made of beer .The company want to show us that this beer have the same good corps and good texture like the woman, and you’re not going to resist to try it, and also mention that is the best option for you to refresh your thirst with this beer.
    The second ad that I chose was this ad is about a company that sells cars, and the brand of this car has a new model that shows that you can have the best sensation that you will ever have, and they use with a comparison with a woman. The message is that even a woman won’t make you feel better than the new model, and you’re going to prefer the car instead of someone or something, because you’ll feel the attraction to the car.
    And finally the last ad that I chose was this ad is from the jeans levi’s. This kind of jeans is well-known because they use different sizes for the hips, the crotch and the large of the leg that gives you comfort with the different kind of models that have this brand. They have a classic jean that was only for men but now they show us that they re-cut these jeans for the especial size of the woman with the same color, comfort and style of this jean. That is the reason they putted on the ad a woman and a man that seems like they were only one, and the same for the jeans, is a good way to say that they preserved all the things of this model and you’re not going to see the difference between the jeans for the men or women.

    1. Very good job Patricia and I'm glad that you looked for some vocabulary words to write your post.


  4. Ana Torres VillacortaFebruary 11, 2013 at 2:42 PM

    Hi teacher I'm Ana Torres. The first ad that I chose was this: This ad is about food that Mc Donald's sells. As we know Mc Donald's sells fast food,but in this case they are promoting healthy food because they know that there are a lot of vegetarian people and these people need to eat healthy food.
    The owners want to have different kind of consumers and in Mc Donald's you can find the kind of food that you want.

    Finally I chose
    The second ad that I chose was : and this is about violence that many women suffer.Most of these cases are betwen couples. This ad reflecst that the violence against women should stop, however the number of hit women have increase each year. I think that this ad is really important for many women because now the publicity heps a lot and I hope that this situation

    Finally I chose this ad: It is about a drink to be specific the drink called vodka, The ad reflects that when you drink vodka, everithing you will see beautiful,in the ad there is a ugly woman next to the bottle but when you see through the bottle you see a beautiful girl.This ad is funny and easy of understand.

    1. Thanks for sharing Ana and good job. Women in our century are still struggling with violence but overall there has been a great change.


  5. Hello teacher, well I have seen many ads and I can say that this is the first time that I have the posibility to say my ideas about that issues but in a different way, in english.

    I chose the first ad: This is a very common issue in our society. When people suffer any abuse and don't want to talk it. Maybe those people fell scary and this is normal but should know the solution is not easy. People need help but with their families because is a serious problem. The main trouble is when people don't want to communicate their problems. At present, There are a lot of psychologists that can help them. Mainly, I study psychology for that, I want to help alot of people.

    Also, I chose this ad:
    When I see this ad, I thought why do women exhibit their bodies? I thought for 2 minutes and my answer was everybody have different backgrounds so we have unique personalities. I don't know the life of these people. I can't adjudicate about their behavoir but I can say women don't need to show their bodies if they want to be important people.

    Finally, I chose this:
    This is a nice ad because when you see this image, you reflect about that. What will happen in our society? Our society is full about prejudices for example women have to cook in the house. Also, they should clean and take care children. I think the majority of men wouldn't know what to do, but they would try to adapt that change in their lifes.

    Written by Carla Espejo

    1. Very good job Carla and yeah I agree, the last add is funny but it makes people think about women's real situation.


  6. Teacher I choose this ad because I think each women should be aware about that , all woman are value and nobody can hurt our fellings , both woman and men must respect .
    When that happens we should ask for help and never stay silent .

    Well the second topic that i choose is This ad is about food that Mc Donald's sells
    althought is a junk food people like it , but for me is very bad because there are many healtly food that people can eat for example vegtables , fruit , cereal , etc I think the health is the most important for all people because if you are sick you can't be good for the people that you love.

    And Finally TRAVELLING is a good and funny topic because I think all people should take a rest for some days if they feel tired or stress but without stop their duties , maybe you can relax and try to met other people , sometimes travel is good only try to think positive if you fell strees and you will have great days .

    1. Thanks for posting Liseth, good job and I agree that travelling helps people relax and have a better life.


  7. Sheyla Castro RamirezFebruary 11, 2013 at 7:24 PM

    Hi teacher, the first ads that i chose was this about racicm of skin color. As I see it, they want to show the us the difference in skin color has nothing to do with we really are, people with one heart, what's more the ads is good,impress people and you can to change your main about the racism of skin color.

    Also, i chose this ad:
    is about people who drive drunk.I say this seens how dangerous is it when the people drive drunk and the consequences it could have on our body in some cases death or loss of limb.Also i think this ads is the best because they show clear how we can affect in our life when you drive drunk.

    Last but not least, i chose this e=1094168 this is important for young people when they are abused.The company want to promote if you can to talk with someone about yours abusse and you can't to talk you can to communicate with us, they can to help you in any day, only you need to call at the company NSPCC.

    1. Sheyla, good job. Thanks for posting and sharing. We all know that drinking and driving is not the best combination.

  8. Luisa Goyoneche MoscosoFebruary 11, 2013 at 8:25 PM

    Hello teacher, I'm Luisa Goyoneche..

    The first ad I have chosen is:
    I chose this ad because I think it's important that people need to be aware of the accidents they can cause when they go out to have fun and often they drive while they're drunk. They just look for the emotion of the moment: drink and have fun, but they don't think that there are people in the streets and they can run over someone while they're drunk, and that person can go seriously injured or can die in the worst case. I think that type of risk shouldn't be taken, and if they want to go out, have fun and they're are drunk, maybe they'll call to taxi

    The second ad I chose was :
    this Ad is about one of the biggest issues in this country. There are many people that are racist in the world, not only by the differences of races, and also in many others ways, like money and the different social classes. People still think that because if you not have money , you aren't worthy and that's not true. People are worthy not because of the belongings they could have, but the personality and emotions. I think they should think and change their thoughts.

    And finally I chose :
    In that time, violence was a big problem because there were many women who were battered by their husbands. Violence is reported everyday by women to the authorities, but there are other cases in which they don't. Their husbands beat them and shut them out of fear in order to abuse more of them.

    1. There are still a lot of racist people but every year this situation seems to get better. Good job Luisa.


  9. Hi teacher my image is about:

    two babies of different skin color showing unity among them. This was done for a Benetton brand advertising. If one can see the black child has two horns on his head like a devil, but the baby has a white angel's appearance.
    This luxury brand wants to show people that the black man is bad in a subliminal way. This shows racism is very bad for the world and its development as it makes us think of a division of the human being and not a union that would help the world to its evolution.

    In this picture we see a bottle of vodka back where it is an ugly woman and inside the bottle is a beautiful woman.
    This message implies that one could get drunk drinking vodka and see all kinds of beautiful women even the ugly.
    This post talks about the morale of the people not to believe the beautiful women and drink go together

    You can see a woman with her mouth shut. This reflects that there are women who do not have the right to speak or make their decisions because it prevents, and that men usually do so for fear and threats

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Luis and yeah racism and discrimination are big issues in our society but it looks like people are more educated about those topics nowadays.


  10. Hi teacher, I'm Gina Zuñiga .The first ad that I chose was about this commercial, the creative use sexism as a suggestion of comfort, quality and moda.Se sees four well-dressed girls inside a vending machine of beverages each representing a different taste of soda. I think the design has used typical coke machine to represent their intentions directed towards men. You mean to imply that the man wearing elegant shoes can be sure you are in control of their masculinity or "live your fantasy" paraphrasing what it says on the sign.

    The second ad that I chose was to heinz, # slide = 1094162 sauce production company, Why did I choose this commercial? for many reasons, it see is a dish where there is a "hearty" meal where "feminity "is designed attractively , is hateful or rather to resort to using women as product sales, so I present my complaint.

    finally I choose this controversial ad where Pope Benedict is in kiss with a mosque, both religious men, exposed as ever in his Benetton ads, tolerance for differences.

    1. We are all equal and we all deserve to be respected. Thanks for sharing Gina, good job.


  11. Hi teacher, my name is Luis Loo.

    I have seen all the ads from the webpage. All of them have some interesting information about anything. My favorite ads are:

    The first ad is:
    This ad shows that McDonalds wants to show that they use healthy ingredients. It’s not a bad idea to put this kind of ad on the street or maybe on the TV, but some people know about how can affect them if they eat a lot of junk food. I don’t know if McDonalds has changed the ingredients of their food or anything else, but maybe this ad has true information, or maybe not.

    I chose this as my second favorite ad:
    In this ad, there is a bottle of vodka and a woman behind of it. Moreover, if you look through the bottle there is a beautiful woman. This ad reflects the effects of consuming alcohol. The reason why you can see a beautiful woman is because alcohol affects the nervous system.

    Finally, I chose this as my last ad:
    In this ad, there is a woman with a severe injury around her left eye. Domestic violence is something that every society has. There is not only physical violence, there is also psychological violence. The way I see the ad, maybe that woman suffered from psychological violence, for example, a trauma. Somehow, this must stop.

    1. Very good job Luis, thanks for sharing. Domestic violence is even more popular in our country but thanks to technology and movements, this rather intense topic has decreased incredibly.


  12. Roger García JuárezFebruary 12, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    Hello teacher, the first ad that I chose is this one . In mi opinion, that ad could make a social impact, because it wants to show us the importance of not driving after you drink. Obviously there will bad consequences if any person doesn't follow this rule, for example the loss of a body part or in an extreme case, the death of someone. So, is important to be aware that this a big problem for the society.

    The second ad that I chose as my favorite is this one . I can see that the message of this ad could be the teaching that parents can give their children. If parents give them a good example, children can go by good way and have a good future, but if they receive a bad example, there will many obstacles in their life, so is important to grow up with good habits with the help of their parents.

    The last ad that chose is this one . what I understood about this picture is the terrible case of bullying or child abuse, that many children have and stand each day by people who don't care about the fellings from others, causing a great psychological damage. In my opinion people like these should have a severe punishment to try to solve this social problem anyway.

    1. Good job Roger, parenting is very important in our society.


  13. Victor Yoshiaki Tosa MorikawaFebruary 12, 2013 at 9:36 PM

    Hello, teacher. My name is Victor Tosa and I have already read the ads and in my opinion all of them where very shocking and also they were very interesting. Although, most of the ads were very difficult to understand, I tried to analyze it and well. In my opinion these are the most shocking ads for me.

    The first ad is this:, because in this ad talks about the DV (Domestic Violence) or Domestic abuse, which is very dangerous because it can destroy the mind of a person. So, I think the message is that the men, principally, have to stop this kind of abuse. Because most of the men think that hitting a girl or a woman can make him stronger but its not, it makes you a bully. So we have to stop that and be conscious about this problem.

    The second ad is this: This ad shows us that most of the child who lives in the poverty can have a single spoon of food to eat. So the principal message that I can understand is that those children need our help, it can be with clothes, school material and food. Because those children could be happy with a single can of food. So in my conclusion, I could say or better tell the people to help those children, because they are also human they are no animal so we need to help and they will be very happy.

    The third and the last ad is this: This ad is about the discrimination of the people who are different because of their skins. The message is that, even though we are different phisically we aren't different psicologically. In other we can say that the message of this ad is You don't depend in which skin color you are it depends how are you from the inside.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Thanks for sharing Victor and very good job. I agree with you about how difficult some of them are.


  14. Hi teacher, my name is Daniel Zedano and I the first ad that I chose is
    This ad impressed me because it gives us a very accurate comparison this problem thatt we see daily, automobile accidents, see an artificial leg maybe product of the car accident is very impressive.
    I think if it somehow emerge effect on people and make them aware about drinkig and driving.

    The second ad is this :
    This ad took me a while to understand, five seconds aften I laughed a lot, I understan, if a little cruel but is very creative and succesful.
    Most of us men whenwe drink we say we could do many thing that we regret and maybe we can see things and persons differently.

    the third ad is :
    This last ad is a very good ad because we saw this display not only the suffering of the people also the encouragement of some who continue to struggle with their intelligence or their forms of expression to make us see what is the most happening in the world

    1. People in the same position in life tend to help each other and that is very remarkable. Very good job Daniel.


  15. Lucero Mendoza TesccóFebruary 13, 2013 at 8:20 PM

    Hi teacher, i'm Lucero Mendoza and I have read and look the ads. I think that they are very creative and interesting.

    The first ad that i chose is this : . This ad is very sad and shoking for me. This ad is related with Jesús who died for our sins and it try to give a message for us about abortion. Nowadays some teenagers and also adults get pregnant without consent and they don't know what to do because they don't want the baby so some of them choose the worse way that is to abort the baby who is coming. I my opinion this is the worse think that a person can do because the baby is not guilthy and also is not responsable about the mistake that got their "parents". I think if a girl get pregnant without consent, well, first she must acept her responsability and also her boyfriend because they knew the risks, and if they don't want the baby ,well, are many ways that they can chose for example adoption but abortion is the worse way because they are killing a baby that don't have the guilthy for their mistakes.

    The second ad that i chose is : . I like this ad very much, it`s very nice. It shows that skin color is not important for the kids but some adults still thinking that a person who have a different skin color is less and different.It is sad because there are many people who are racist. I think that skin color is not important! , akin color, where do you life, if your family have money or not, if you are from province that thinks are so stupids. We are the same.

    Finally i chose : . This ad is funny and creative. It try to sell a deodorant and show a guy that is bored, that looks shy and serious and after he used the deodorant he is complety different, he is another guy, he looks handsome, well, not so much but he looks different and he doesn't look shy. Those are the thinks that this deodorant would do for guys. It's a good way to sell a deodorant, i like this ad.

    1. Good job Lucero. Most teenagers in our society are still lost and don't know what to do with their lives. But I guess it's all part of a very long process.


  16. Good afternoon, teacher. I've seen the ads. Most of them are really interesting, but I had to choose only 3 and these are:

    My first ad is :
    I like this ad very much because it’s really funny. Even though they are making love, the man is thinking about a spectacular car that he wants to own. Well, the purpose of this ad is noticeable. They want to reflect that own that car is much better than have sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend. As I see it, it’s a good way to sell this car because this ad attracts your attention, makes you laugh and think about the possibility of buy it.

    The second is:
    This ad has 3 hearts with these subtitles: Yellow, Black and White. I think the author of this ad is trying to make people think that skin color doesn`t care. Inside we all are the same. In my opinion, the most important things to improve our planet are the values and the quality of person that we are. I like this ad because makes people think that racism doesn’t make sense.

    And, finally, my 3rd ad is:
    This ad is about a boy who lost his leg and has prosthesis now. It has a phrase that says: “Spare parts for humans are not as original as those for cars. Don’t drink and drive” It was created by BMW and evidently this company wants to prevent car accidents. At least, they want to decrease the quantity of accidents. I think this ad is really great and appropriate because nowadays there are many car crashes as a consequence of drunk people who drive their cars without any responsibility. And people who are victims, don´t recover their physical integrity.

    1. Car accidents are very often in many countries but these kind of ads help us understand the danger of driving and not paying attention to the basic rules. Good job María.


  17. Hi teacher, I have chosen these ads.

    First, I chose this ad:
    I suppose that McDonald’s put this kind of advertisement because they want to show us what kind of healthy and nutritive food they use in their products. And with this they are changing our mind about fast food. But the real reason is that McDonald’s use this ad for obtain more consumers.

    Then, I chose this ad:
    This ad is about racism and what I appreciate in this ad is that everybody has the same human equality and the same rights because we are the same. Although, many people think too much in the physical appearance, this is not really important because we share the planet with different forms of life.

    And for the last one, I chose this ad:
    This ad reflects that nowadays we see a lot of violence against women. And the law doesn’t do anything because in some cases women don’t talk about the situation. I think when this situation happens women should ask for help.
    Well, I think that our society needs to change some laws in order to help women from violence.

    Farewell …

    1. Good job Moises and good choices too. Luckily, violence against women has decreased a lot over the past years.


  18. Gabriel Zanbrano MuñozFebruary 15, 2013 at 5:47 PM

    Hi Teacher......I chose these three because I think they are interesting: it means that even thought there are a lot of races everyone has the same heart and the same feelings Now the Violence against woman is more common but a lot of cases never show up because woman don’t tell to anyone for me this is funny because even thought they are having sex he is not thinking in that he is thinking in the car that he wants to own

    1. Thanks for posting Gabriel. However it would be better it you develop your ideas more next time.


  19. hi teacher,Sorry for the delay.
    i saw some interesting ads like
    .....: ,this ad show that there are a lot of violence against the woman and nobody do nothing

    another one is this is some mad ,show that men is more interested in a thing that he likes , in this case a car than in his girl.which he is having sex.

    the last one was it caught my attention becouse is very realistic ,is not the same situation the case of the car and your case.
    the car can be repaired whit new and better spare parts but you don't becouse you don't have spare parts......what shocking!

    I hope you like my comments or at least understand them

    1. Thanks for participating Marcelo. Good job but try to elaborate your ideas more next time.


  20. The first ad that I chose it's not mention but it's about the domestic violence that a naked woman is wearing a security band that says crime scene do not enter well it refers us the way that a woman fell about it you can solve your problems like talking.

    The second ad that I chose it's "FUMER,C'EST ÉTRE L'ESCLAVE DU TABAC." This ad refers us that if you smoke the cigarette it will enslave you. you may fell like the cigarette is the only way to solve your problems.

    The last ad that i chose is "THERE ARE NO SILVER SPOONS FOR CHILDREN BORN INTO POVERTY" it mention us the cruel life that the poverty lives every day and the poverty children that they have to eat want they can and not what they need this is so sad but true.
    In conclusion the ads is a good way to show our sociaty the problems that happends to us or maybe a good way of advertisement because its showy.
    good wishes.

    Eduardo =)

    1. Good job Eduardo and I really like the last one too. It shows us more about our reality.


  21. I choose this one because, I think its very shocking, to know you can lose your life or parts of your body in just seconds, if you dont drive carefully, thats why this car company put that advise, you better change parts of your car and not parts of your body, the accidents happends in seconds, that’s why the company recommends if you drink don’t drive, and you can save your life or anyone else life. This is another one that I select, because its shocking to know that in this times, the people is racist with the people of color, and this ad show, that we can wear the same clothes, not only clothes, everybody can do anything he want, and they will not punish you because you are a black person or whatever you are, we have to have equality for everybody. this is the last one I chose because, its rare to see that only if you use Axe you will attract womans, that don’t have sense, they are only looking at the first appareance, and leaving away the other aspects of the person

    1. Indeed Jose, we have to be careful when it comes to drink and drive. People don't appreciate the beauty of life.

      Thanks for sharing.


  22. Nice choices Lady and good job. It is true that some people don't appreciate others people's feeling. Just remember the plural of man is men and of woman is women.

